Saturday, July 10, 2010

4th of July. Happiness. Sparklers.

The fourth of July is probably the greatest holiday ever. We celebrate America's freedom by blowing things up... it's great. I spent the weekend in a bite size town in Idaho with good company, boating on the Snake River and watching a ridiculous amount of fireworks. Nothing could have made it better. We watched the small town parade in summer clothes and sandals on a beautiful day while waving American flags with smiles.. it was something to be proud of. I love this place, this country, these people.

We came back from Idaho on Sunday and pretty much went straight to Richfield where we celebrated the fourth of July a second time on Monday. We took a small plane ride over the town, drank our body weight in orange julius', and enjoyed every single, solitary moment of the 4th celebration. We literally just spent the weekend floating around with nothing on our schedules but appreciating life and new memories.