Friday, May 14, 2010


Just some fun facts for you...

1. One out of TWENTY people have an extra rib.
2. Each year, there is about TWENTY billion coconuts produced world wide.
3. The average iceberg weighs about TWENTY million tons.
4. The longest U.S. highway is Route TWENTY, which is over 3,365 miles.
5. In a pack of skittles, there is an equal TWENTY percent distribution of each flavor.
6. Americans eat approximately TWENTY pounds of pasta per person each year.
7. Koalas can sleep up to TWENTY hours a day.
8. In China, September TWENTIETH is "Love Your Teeth Day".

...but most importantly...

One of my most favorite people in this entire world turns TWENTY tomorrow!!!

It would've been extremely deceiving to celebrate Alivia's birthday without some cupcake madness so that's exactly what we did. It was like a week long attack. Seriously.

Being up at school and away from my family gets pretty hard, and there's a select few that are constantly relieving me from the stressful reality of school and this girl is definitely one of them. She brings so much light and happiness to my life, she is basically one bright beam of optimism (...just don't try to boot her car or take away her dryer full of clothes...). I love her so much and I'm so grateful to have her with me while battling the real world in p town everyday.



  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this.
    SHLIIIVIAAA is 20 and hott!! our bdays are comin up YO!!! last teen year. Love this post t.strat.


  2. I want to be a Koala. That's all I'm sayin'.

  3. I'm happy that your having fun with your friend! I really miss you. I wish if I could go back in time and replay what we did together! Have fun with your friend!
